State Bank Of Patiala has 8 branches in Hanumangarh like Tibbi , Sangria , Rawatsar , . Please select a branch from the list below to get the location, contact details, IFSC code, MICR code.

IFSC Codes of State Bank Of Patiala in Hanumangarh

Branch Name Branch Address IFSC Code MICR Code Bank City District State
Tibbi Near Bus Stand,Tibbi,Dist. Hanumangarh,Rajasthan,Pin 335526 STBP0001108 APPLIED State Bank Of Patiala Tibbi Hanumangarh Rajasthan
Sangria Court Road,Sangria,Dist Hanumangarh,Rajasthan STBP0001097 APPLIED State Bank Of Patiala Sangaria Hanumangarh Rajasthan
Rawatsar Shop No 39, New Grain Market, Rawatsar, Distt. Hanumangarh,
STBP0001125 APPLIED State Bank Of Patiala Rawatsar Hanumangarh Rajasthan
Nohar Hissaria Complex, Near Jaju Hospital, Main Road, Rani Bazar,
Nohar, Distt. Hanumangarh, Rajasthan
STBP0001126 APPLIED State Bank Of Patiala Nohar Hanumangarh Rajasthan
Hanumangarh Junction Shop No 18, Sri Ganganagar Road, New Dhan Mandi,Hanuman
Junction,Pin 335512,Distt Hanumangarh,Rajasthan
STBP0001159 APPLIED State Bank Of Patiala Hanumangarh Hanumangarh Rajasthan
Goluwala Basi Da Market, Teh-Pillibangan, Dist-Hanumangarh STBP0000853 State Bank Of Patiala Goluwala Niwadan Hanumangarh Rajasthan
Dabli Rathan Opp. New Grain Market,Dabli Rathan,Tehsil Hanumangarh,Distt.
Hanumangarh,Rajasthan,Pin 355801
STBP0001096 APPLIED State Bank Of Patiala Hanumangarh Hanumangarh Rajasthan
Bhadra Sahwa Road,Opp. Gandhi
Park,Bhadra,Dist.Hanumangarh,Rajasthan,Pin 335501
STBP0001098 APPLIED State Bank Of Patiala Bhadra Hanumangarh Rajasthan

What is IFSC code of a bank?

Full form of IFSC code is Indian Financial System Code.
When you want to make a payment to an account you would need to mention an IFSC code along with the account number. IFSC code is used to identify a branch of a bank. An account number along with an IFSC code is used uniquely identify an account. This combination can be then used to make online fund transfer through NEFT or RTGS.
On the other hand, NEFT transactions generally take upto 2 hours to settle.

What is the use of MICR code?

MICR stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. It appears on your cheque just after your cheque number. It is used to identify a particular branch of a bank in a city. It is a nine digit number of which first 3 digits stand for city, next 3 for bank and last 3 for branch.
The MICR code is used for clearing the cheques. A machine can read MICR code and quickly identify the exact branch where the account of the cheque issuers is held.

What is the time of Neft?

National Electronic Funds Transfer is used for transferring the funds online. The system is available from 8 in the morning till 7 in the evening and 1 in the afternoon. Any NEFT requests not cleared on a day are rolled over to the next day and cleared on next working day. If you want to transfer funds instantly use RTGS or IMPS instead. You can also use online wallets.