State Bank Of Mysore has 19 branches in Dharwad like Unkal , Shirur Park , Region Ii Hz , . Please select a branch from the list below to get the location, contact details, IFSC code, MICR code.

IFSC Codes of State Bank Of Mysore in Dharwad

Branch Name Branch Address IFSC Code MICR Code Bank City District State
Unkal Hubli 580 031 SBMY0040442 560006008 State Bank Of Mysore Hubli-Dharwad Dharwad Karnataka
Shirur Park Hubli 580031 SBMY0040650 580006007 State Bank Of Mysore Hubli-Dharwad Dharwad Karnataka
Region Ii Hz State Bank Of Mysore, Hubli Zone, No. 26, Siddappa Kambli
Road,P.B. No. 134,Hubli - 580 020
SBMY0040597 NON MICR State Bank Of Mysore Hubli-Dharwad Dharwad Karnataka
Navanagar Plot No.-02,Rs No.-10,Block 2,Chikkenkoppa Sri Channaveera
Sharanara Andhara Kalyana Ashram Complex, Main Road,
Navanagar, Hubli-580025
SBMY0040788 580006009 State Bank Of Mysore Hubli-Dharwad Dharwad Karnataka
Navalgund Ganesh Complex Near Bus Stand Navalgund -582 208 SBMY0040828 N. A. State Bank Of Mysore Navalgund Dharwad Karnataka
Kundgol Dharwad Shettar Oni Near Bus Stand Kundagol SBMY0040831 580006503 State Bank Of Mysore Kundgol Dharwad Karnataka
Keshavapur Hubli 580 023 SBMY0040641 580006006 State Bank Of Mysore Hubli-Dharwad Dharwad Karnataka
Kalghatgi Near Apmc Hubli Karwar Road Kalaghatagi 581 204 SBMY0040826 N. A. State Bank Of Mysore Kalaghatagi Dharwad Karnataka
Hubli Zone State Bank Of Mysore,Zonal Office, Hubli,No. 26, Siddappa
Kambli Road, Shwetha Complex,P.B. No. 134,Hubli-580
020,Karnataka State
SBMY0040430 NON MICR State Bank Of Mysore Hubli-Dharwad Dharwad Karnataka
Hubli Usa Towers Coen Rd Hubli-580020 SBMY0040202 580006002 State Bank Of Mysore Hubli-Dharwad Dharwad Karnataka
High Court Circuit Bench High Court Circuit Bench Branch High Court Belur Dharward
SBMY0040870 580006305 State Bank Of Mysore Hubli-Dharwad Dharwad Karnataka
Gokul Road Hubli - 580030 SBMY0040606 580006005 State Bank Of Mysore Hubli-Dharwad Dharwad Karnataka
Dharwad Dharwad 580 001 SBMY0040352 580006302 State Bank Of Mysore Hubli-Dharwad Dharwad Karnataka
Deshpande Nagar Hubli 580 029 SBMY0040493 580006004 State Bank Of Mysore Hubli-Dharwad Dharwad Karnataka
Belur Indl. Area Dharwad - 580001 SBMY0040576 580006304 State Bank Of Mysore Hubli-Dharwad Dharwad Karnataka

What is IFSC code of a bank?

Full form of IFSC code is Indian Financial System Code.
When you want to make a payment to an account you would need to mention an IFSC code along with the account number. IFSC code is used to identify a branch of a bank. An account number along with an IFSC code is used uniquely identify an account. This combination can be then used to make online fund transfer through NEFT or RTGS.
On the other hand, NEFT transactions generally take upto 2 hours to settle.

What is the use of MICR code?

MICR stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. It appears on your cheque just after your cheque number. It is used to identify a particular branch of a bank in a city. It is a nine digit number of which first 3 digits stand for city, next 3 for bank and last 3 for branch.
The MICR code is used for clearing the cheques. A machine can read MICR code and quickly identify the exact branch where the account of the cheque issuers is held.

What is the time of Neft?

National Electronic Funds Transfer is used for transferring the funds online. The system is available from 8 in the morning till 7 in the evening and 1 in the afternoon. Any NEFT requests not cleared on a day are rolled over to the next day and cleared on next working day. If you want to transfer funds instantly use RTGS or IMPS instead. You can also use online wallets.