Indian Bank has branches in 22 districts in Gujarat like Valsad , Vadodara , Surendranagar , . Please select a district from the list below to see the branches in that district and to get the location, contact details, IFSC code, MICR code.

IFSC Codes of Indian Bank in Gujarat

Branch Name Branch Address IFSC Code MICR Code Bank City District State
Veraval 405/406 Gidc Veraval Junagadh 362269 IDIB000V078 362019005 Indian Bank Veraval Junagadh Gujarat
Vapi Industrial Estate Vapi Indl Estate C-5/47-70, Gidc Selvas Road 396195 IDIB000V037 396019007 Indian Bank Vapi Valsad Gujarat
Valsad Halar Road Valsad Gujarat 396001 IDIB000V059 396019098 Indian Bank Vapi Valsad Gujarat
University Road (Rajkot) Ambition, 150 Feet Ring Road, Near Indira Circle University
Road, Rajkot – 360 007
IDIB000U026 360019003 Indian Bank Rajkot Rajkot Gujarat
Thaltej G.F -14, Ayana Complex, 100 Ft, Hebatpur
IDIB000T160 380019015 Indian Bank Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Gujarat
Surendra Nagar Rajveer Shopping Centre Near Surekha Wadi Surendranagar
IDIB000S154 363019005 Indian Bank Surendranagar Surendranagar Gujarat
Surat Ring Road, Belgium Tower, Surat, Gujarat Pin 395003 Ph: IDIB000S039 395019002 Indian Bank Surat Surat Gujarat
Surasmal Patel Street Surasamal Khera 387115 IDIB000S056 387019005 Indian Bank Surasmal Kheda Gujarat
Sanand Opp Survoday Society Kandla Sanand Highway Sanand Tal Sanand
IDIB000S202 380019013 Indian Bank Sanand Ahmedabad Gujarat
S G Road (Ahmedabad) Krishna Complex, Off. S G Road, Opp. Devashis School,
Bodakdev, Ahmedabad – 380015
IDIB000S156 380019012 Indian Bank Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Gujarat
Rajkot Toral Subash Road, Rajkot, Pin 360001 IDIB000R007 360019002 Indian Bank Rajkot Rajkot Gujarat
Porbandar Kasturba Marg Manek Chowk Porbandar 360575 IDIB000P067 360019006 Indian Bank Porbandar Porbandar Gujarat
Piplag Piplag Kheda Dt 387355 IDIB000P072 387019006 Indian Bank Piplag Kheda Gujarat
Patan Ke Shyam Avenue Opp Janta Hospital Near Railway Nala Patan
IDIB000P190 384019081 Indian Bank Patan Patan Gujarat
Panoli L/913/7 Gidc Panoli Ankleshwar Industrial Estate Bharuch
IDIB000P095 394019007 Indian Bank Panoli Bharuch Gujarat

What is IFSC code of a bank?

Full form of IFSC code is Indian Financial System Code.
When you want to make a payment to an account you would need to mention an IFSC code along with the account number. IFSC code is used to identify a branch of a bank. An account number along with an IFSC code is used uniquely identify an account. This combination can be then used to make online fund transfer through NEFT or RTGS.
On the other hand, NEFT transactions generally take upto 2 hours to settle.

What is the use of MICR code?

MICR stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. It appears on your cheque just after your cheque number. It is used to identify a particular branch of a bank in a city. It is a nine digit number of which first 3 digits stand for city, next 3 for bank and last 3 for branch.
The MICR code is used for clearing the cheques. A machine can read MICR code and quickly identify the exact branch where the account of the cheque issuers is held.

What is the time of Neft?

National Electronic Funds Transfer is used for transferring the funds online. The system is available from 8 in the morning till 7 in the evening and 1 in the afternoon. Any NEFT requests not cleared on a day are rolled over to the next day and cleared on next working day. If you want to transfer funds instantly use RTGS or IMPS instead. You can also use online wallets.