Idbi Bank has branches in 33 states. Please select a state from the list below to see the branches in that state and to get the location, contact details, IFSC code, MICR code.
Branch Name | Branch Address | IFSC Code | MICR Code | Bank | City | District | State |
Zila Sahkari Bank Ltd Moradabad | Katchery Road Near Baradari Moradabad-244001 | IBKL0122SBM | 244803002 | Idbi Bank | Moradabad | Moradabad | Uttar Pradesh |
Zila Sahkari Bank Ltd Ghaziabad | Rdc A-20 Raj Nagar Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh 201002 | IBKL0066ZSB | 110094286 | Idbi Bank | Ghaziabad | Ghaziabad | Uttar Pradesh |
Yesgaon | Gangaprasadyesgaon (Bk)Tal Malegaonnashik423203 | IBKL0000609 | NON-MICR | Idbi Bank | Yesgaon | Nashik | Maharashtra |
Yeotmal | Savarkar Market,, Datta Chowk,, Yeotmal, Pincode - 445001 | IBKL0000508 | NON-MICR | Idbi Bank | Yeotmal | Yavatmal | Maharashtra |
Yelahanka | Idbi Bank Ltd, Dinakaran Complex ,9 Hig,Sector-A, Yelahanka New Town,Bangalore-560064 |
IBKL0000694 | 560259014 | Idbi Bank | Yelahanka | Bangalore | Karnataka |
Yawal | Bazar Peth,Yawaljalgaon425301 | IBKL0000479 | NON-MICR | Idbi Bank | Yawal | Jalgaon | Maharashtra |
World Trade Centre Complex, Cufe Parade, Mumbai | Shri Pradip Roy, 9Th Floor, Idbi Tower, World Trade Centre Complex, Cufe Parade, Mumbai 400005 |
IBKL0000701 | 400259020 | Idbi Bank | Mumbai | Mumbai | Maharashtra |
Wavarhire | Samaj Mandirgrampanchayat Building,Wavarhire, Tal Mansatara415508 |
IBKL0000613 | NON-MICR | Idbi Bank | Wavarhire | Satara | Maharashtra |
Warud | P A Patil Building.P B No.25,At & Post Warud, Tal Warnaamravati444906 |
IBKL0000542 | NON-MICR | Idbi Bank | Warud | Amravati | Maharashtra |
Warora | Shri V T Shrigiriwar Bldg.,, Saraf Line,, Warora,, Pincode - 442907 |
IBKL0000599 | NON-MICR | Idbi Bank | Warora | Chandrapur | Maharashtra |
Warje | Shop No 1, Varad Laxmi Plaza, Opp. Cipla Foundation, Pune-Bengaluru Highway, Warje, Pune 411 058. |
IBKL0000787 | 411259033 | Idbi Bank | Pune | Pune | Maharashtra |
Wardha Road Nagpur | Plot No.1 B Ward No.75,Opp. Hotel Airport Center Point,Wardha Road,Nagpur Pin : 440015 |
IBKL0001047 | 440259015 | Idbi Bank | Nagpur | Nagpur | Maharashtra |
Wardha | Sahu Building, Anaj Line, Near Swarajya Bhandar, Wardha,, Pincode - 442001 |
IBKL0000509 | NON-MICR | Idbi Bank | Wardha | Wardha | Maharashtra |
Warangal | Ground Floor,Sri Tirumala Mall Municipal Door Nos 5-9130, Main Road,Sikhwadi, Kishanpura, Hanamkonda, Warangal506001 |
IBKL0000210 | NON-MICR | Idbi Bank | Warangal | Warangal | Andhra Pradesh |
Wani | Chordia Bldg.,, Gandhi Market,, Wani, Pincode - 445304 | IBKL0000517 | NON-MICR | Idbi Bank | Wani | Yavatmal | Maharashtra |
Full form of IFSC code is Indian Financial System Code.
When you want to make a payment to an account you would need to mention an IFSC code along with the account number. IFSC code is used to identify a branch of a bank. An account number along with an IFSC code is used uniquely identify an account. This combination can be then used to make online fund transfer through NEFT or RTGS.
On the other hand, NEFT transactions generally take upto 2 hours to settle.
MICR stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. It appears on your cheque just after your cheque number. It is used to identify a particular branch of a bank in a city. It is a nine digit number of which first 3 digits stand for city, next 3 for bank and last 3 for branch.
The MICR code is used for clearing the cheques. A machine can read MICR code and quickly identify the exact branch where the account of the cheque issuers is held.
National Electronic Funds Transfer is used for transferring the funds online. The system is available from 8 in the morning till 7 in the evening and 1 in the afternoon. Any NEFT requests not cleared on a day are rolled over to the next day and cleared on next working day. If you want to transfer funds instantly use RTGS or IMPS instead. You can also use online wallets.